Throughout all three pregnancies I have suffered from horrible heart burn. The build up of acid indigestion is most severe at night time. I don't know what I would have done without giant bottles of Gaviscon by my bed. I went through 500ml bottles at an alarming rate - couldn't get it down quick enough! I have to admit, I often resorted to swigging direct from the bottle!
At over £10 a bottle it could be an expensive nine months, so was delighted to find out that you are entitled to Gaviscon free on prescription with a valid maternity exemption card, which also entitles you to free prescriptions and dental treatment. To apply for the maternity exemption card, ask your doctor, midwife or health visitor for Form FW8.
I would recommend Gaviscon Advance (liquid form) in peppermint flavour.
Apparently heartburn it is a sign you are going to have a baby with lots of hair! Did that turn out to be true for you? Tell us in the comments.